Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To SEO Blogger Blog Titles and get a higher search results

I learn from other bloggers that using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to get more traffic or visitors to own blog. First of all, how your blog’s title appears in the search results. One of the best ways to do this is to reverse the order in which the blog title and post title are displayed so that the post title comes first.

Method is the following:

Go to "Edit HTML"

Find the following piece of HTML code: 


In most templates it’s around 5-10 lines from the top.

Replace that code with the following code:

The SEO optimized results will be noticeable immediately in the tab along the top of the browser.
So now when people search a phrase that appears in the title of a post on your blog, your post will appear higher in the search results. This is a much more likely scenario than someone searching for the actual title of your blog.


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